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Frequently Asked Questions
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
What kind of service you provide?
Answer: We provide IP TV service.
What are your packages?
Answer: We provide 3 category packages 1.Regular Package (Monthly Package) 2.Promotional Package (3 Months, 6 Months, 1 Year (Premium) 3.Non-Refundable Special Packages (1 Year)
What is required Internet speed for your IP TV service?
Answer: Minimum 5 MBPS
How much Channel you have?
Answer: We have 184 Channel.
Which Location you can provide Technician?
Answer: We can provide Technician only in NY State but at Selected Areas.
How many TV service you can give in one account?
Answer: We provide 3 connections in 1 account.
Apps type for your service
Answer: We have 2 Apps. 1.Tbox TV 2.Ministra Player
How much is Moving charge by Technician?
Answer: Our Moving Charge is $25
How much is Wire charge?
Answer: Every 25 Feet Wire Charges are $7.
What is the Initial Troubleshoot for Box or App?
Answer: Reboot the Box/ Force Stop the App.
What is the respective parameter for Free Internet wire as a new Customer?
Answer: As a new Customer we will provide 50 Feet wire.
What is the required time limit for Shipment?
Answer: 7 working days.
What is your Cheapest package?
Answer: Non-refundable Package.
What is your service Resolution?
Answer: We provide 4k Resolution Base Channels.
What kind of Chaneel Segment you have?
Answer: We have 6 Segment (Bangla, Hindi, English, Al-Islamic, Sports, Children)
Do you provide Apps services?
Answer: Yes! but only at Android platform at present
How much is Technician charge for Troubleshot?
Answer: Our Technician Charge is $30.
How much is Shipment charge?
Answer: Our is your Shipment Charge is $10
How much is Remote charge?
Answer: Our Remote Shipment Charge is $10.
What are the respective medium of providing bill?
Answer: We have 3 option. 1.Card 2.Cheque 3.Money Order
What is the Service procedure for MI customer?
Answer: We have 2 option. 1.Shipment 2.Dealer(optional).
What is your service Resolution?
Answer: We provide 4k Resolution Base Channels.